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You broke a tooth while chewing on a peppermint. The dentist is recommending dental crowns in Memorial, but you’re not sure it’s worth the price. Sure, you’re having a little more trouble eating, but as long as you can still swallow his food, you’ll be able to get by, right? Unfortunately, this can be a huge mistake. Leaving a broken or missing tooth alone could make it harder to chew – and the ultimate result could be very painful.

What Happens if You Don’t Chew Your Food Well?

Your digestive system depends on the teeth to crush food into smaller bits that your stomach acids can easily break down; this lets the intestines absorb the nutrients from the food particles as they pass through. If a broken or missing tooth prevents you from chewing as well as you need to, the stomach won’t be able to make the particles small enough for your intestines to handle. Poor digestion can create all sorts of health problems, such as abdominal pain, constipation and obesity.

Improperly chewed food can also lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition where the acids and food particles in your stomach leak back into the esophagus, irritating. This leads to a lot of pain in the form of heartburn, and the walls of the esophagus will be damaged by the acid; over time, this can put you at risk for esophageal cancer.

How Can I Chew Normally Again?

A broken tooth can often be fixed with a dental crown. This way, you can restore its strength, allowing you to chew your food properly again. Furthermore, a crown protects the remaining tooth structure from further damage and prevents infections by closing off the damaged area from bacteria. You should get a crown for a broken tooth as soon as possible; many practices can use a system called CEREC to create a restoration in a single day rather than waiting weeks for it to be made at a laboratory.

If the tooth is missing altogether, patients with sufficient jawbone density and overall good oral health can get dental implants in Memorial. These are metal posts surgically inserted into your jaw to serve as the roots for a crown (or in some cases, a bridge or a denture). Implants provide better chewing power than traditional false teeth; you’ll be able to enjoy all of your favorite foods again to their fullest!

Each patient is unique, so the correct form of treatment is going to vary from case to case. Ask your dentist about all of the different options available, and don’t be afraid to voice any concerns you have. After all, it’s important to get the right treatment so that you can once again eat without worry!

About the Author

Dr. Mark Gray graduated from the University of Texas Dental School in Memorial and has been practicing dentistry for well over three decades. He’s a Mentor at, an organization that focuses on same-day crowns; he’s also a fellow in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. In other words, he has plenty of knowledge and experience when it comes to repairing or replacing teeth. To schedule an appointment at his practice, visit his website or call 281-493-9395.